ΠΑΝΕ ΜΑΖΙ ΚΑΝΕΛΛΟΠΟΥΛΟΣ - ΕΜΦΙΕΤΖΟΓΛΟΥ! Τρομερές εξελίξεις και ανατροπές στο "Ελλάδα Απόψε"

Πάνε μαζί Κανελλόπουλος - Εμφιετζόγλου - "Ελλάδα Απόψε" με τον Κωστή Αλεξίου

Τρομερές εξελίξεις και μεγάλες ανατροπές στο κόμμα Κασιδιάρη και πλέον Κανελλόπουλου, μετά την πόρτα που τους ανοίγει στο πολύπλευρο αδιέξοδο ο ίδιος ο Πρόδρομος Εμφιετζόγλου! Δείτε το "Ελλάδα Απόψε" με τον Κωστή Αλεξίου


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21 χρόνια εθνικής και δημοσιογραφικής προσφοράς στον Ελληνισμό


  1. , heathern Graeconia will revert to Ottoman Suzerainty as the Prometheus plans of 1853, 1967 and 2008 failed to neutralize their sovietical presticulations. Greece and China Signed 16 Deals on November 11, 2019. On Jun 14, 2021 Greece said they have no plans to end economic ties with China. Paese Eznepede told the Greeks the Russians and Chinese will save them (Suroti 1999) so they made him a saint on January 13, 2015. May 27, 2008, Greek chief priests of Manhattan, Boston and Atlanta report to Moscow. Greek Archbishop Elpedorfus Partook in the Black Lives Matter NYC Protest on Jun 3, 2020. Nigerians go learn Trojan Horse from Greece. Greek priests front for Putin in Cuba and Venezuela. A neighboring official wrote how their perfidious, slothful cult of envy begat Communism (World Bank WPS8399 April 2018) Alexi Gianoulias, Patrick Theros front Iran. Athens Archbishop Gristledole said we deserved 9/11. In 1983, Jesse Helms, who defeated Galifanakius for Congress, opposed a national holiday on grounds MLK was communist On March 15, 1965, Greek Archbishop Iakovus marched beside Martin Luther King at Selma, pictured on cover of March 26, 1965 Life magazine. Marchesini was going to expel the US Fleet and Macarius give Breznev bases. (Clayton Fritchey, Chicago Tribune, Nov 13, 1973, p. 14). December 1919 Bristol commission condemned Greek atrocities at Smyrna. Dionysan orgy underbrush fodder for pyro oil lamps, burnt selves off Smyrna in 1922,Thesalonia in 1917, Pyrgos in 1934, Pikermi in 1902, Parnasus and Tatoi in 1923, Oropus 1889, Pentelieus and Hymettus 1887, Thessaly 1878. Athos been a soviet spy base since 1839 (NY Times Aug 18, 1878. p. 6). Theodosian Code promoted confiscatory taxation and Diocletian socialism (Rostovtzeff 1926, Gibbon ch. 13) that Toynbee (1939, IV p. 399) said caused Anatolia to apostase into Islam. After the communist zealot massacre of Thesalonia aristocracy in 1342, Cantacusene usurpation of 1345 orchestrated by Moscow with omphaloscopic hesyogasm. Massacres of sixty thousand Latins in 1182 Istanbul blinded Enrico Dandolo who sought revenge in 1205 when Russians subdued by Mongols. Pope made Charlemagne emperor because Irene Fourtipace invented welfare. Justinian closing the universities promoted plague and Islam. Justinian Novella 85 is the precedent for gun control. Faya Yaya!
